
This is the 77th most frequent Korean word.

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"한편" means "on the other hand" or "meanwhile."

Here, '한편' is used to contrast two situations, showing their coexistence.

그는 열심히 일하고 있다. 한편, 그의 건강은 점점 악화되고 있다.

He is working hard. Meanwhile, his health is deteriorating.

'한편' in this sentence serves to introduce an additional aspect or perspective.

한편 그 소설은 작가의 개인적인 경험을 반영하고 있다.

On the other hand, the novel reflects the author's personal experiences.

In this usage, '한편' (or '한편으로는') is applied to present a contrasting trait or quality of the subject.

그는 친절하고 성실한 사람이다. 한편으로는 결단력이 부족하다.

He is a kind and diligent person. On the other hand, he lacks decisiveness.