
This is the 192nd most frequent Korean word.

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"향후" means "hereafter" or "in the future."

Here, '향후' is used to mean 'moving forward' or 'in the future,' indicating plans or actions that will occur later.

향후 우리는 이 문제를 보다 심도 있게 논의할 예정입니다.

Moving forward, we plan to discuss this issue in greater depth.

In this sentence, '향후' refers to a specific future timeframe of 'five years,' indicating a period that starts from now.

정책을 수정하는 데에 향후 5년간 지속적인 노력이 필요합니다.

Sustained effort will be required over the next five years to revise the policy.

Here, '향후' specifies a future time when something is expected to happen, focusing on prospective effects.

이 기술은 향후 다양한 산업에 큰 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

This technology will significantly impact various industries in the future.