
This is the 163rd most frequent Korean word.

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"혐의를" means "suspicion" or "allegation" in English.

혐의를 in this context is used to indicate an accusation or charge of a wrongdoing, specifically theft in this case.

경찰은 그에게 절도 혐의를 제기했습니다.

The police accused him of theft.

혐의를 in this sentence refers to the charges or suspicions that were lifted or proven unfounded by the court.

결국 법원은 그녀의 혐의를 벗겨 주었습니다.

Eventually, the court cleared her of the charges.

Here, 혐의를 represents the allegations or suspicions, in this case about receiving bribes.

언론은 정치인에게 뇌물 수수 혐의를 제시했습니다.

The media brought forward bribery allegations against the politician.