
This is the 959th most frequent Korean word.

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"확대를" means "expansion" or "enlargement" in English (in the context of being a noun or verb stem from "확대하다").

Describes increasing the scope or magnitude of a business operation.

그는 사업의 규모를 확대를 위해 열심히 일하고 있습니다.

He is working hard to expand the scale of his business.

Describes the act of visually enlarging an object through a tool.

저는 망원경으로 달을 확대해서 자세히 보았습니다.

I magnified the moon using a telescope to observe it more closely.

Describes growing or adding to a count or quantity within an organization.

회의에서 회원 수의 확대에 관한 논의가 있었습니다.

There was a discussion in the meeting about the expansion of the number of members.