
This is the 444th most frequent Korean word.

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"회장은" means "chairperson" or "president" (of a meeting, organization, or company).

In this sentence, '회장은' functions as the subject of the sentence, indicating the person (the chairman) who performed the action of making the decision.

회장은 중요한 결정을 내렸습니다.

The chairman made an important decision.

Here, '회장은' serves as the subject noun phrase, specifying the individual who conveyed gratitude during the meeting.

회의에서 회장은 모두에게 감사의 말을 전했습니다.

During the meeting, the chairman expressed gratitude to everyone.

In this case, '회장은' identifies the chairman of the company as the topic being described.

우리 회사의 회장은 매우 친절하십니다.

The chairman of our company is very kind.