
This is the 895th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "analīžu" is the genitive plural form of "analīze," meaning "analysis" or "analyses" in English.

In this sentence, 'analīžu' refers to medical test results, functioning as a genitive plural form for possessive use.

Ārsts lūdza viņu atnest analīžu rezultātus.

The doctor asked him to bring the test results.

In this example, 'analīžu' is used to denote the data or results of analyses, again showing a plural genitive case in a possessive role.

Projekta veiksmīgai īstenošanai bija nepieciešama analīžu datu vāšana.

To successfully complete the project, the collection of analytical data was required.

Here, 'analīžu' denotes the analyses or studies, indicating the genitive plural form to describe the detailed inspection.

Viņa izprata grūtības, pateicoties analīžu padziļinātai izpētei.

She understood the difficulties, thanks to an in-depth analysis.