
This is the 420th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "ceļa" means "of the road" or "of the way" (genitive form of "ceļš").

Used in genitive singular form to denote 'of the road' or 'of the way', specifying possession or relation.

Mājupceļa laikā es redzēju daudzus skaistus skatus.

During the way home, I saw many beautiful sights.

Used in genitive singular form to describe location relative to the road.

Ceļa malā bija daudz ziedu.

There were many flowers by the side of the road.

Used in genitive singular form to denote 'of the road' in the sense of ownership or thematic focus of the subject.

Man vajadzētu izplānot ceļa maršrutu.

I should plan the road's route.