
This is the 175th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Others" or "other people."

The word 'citi' here implies 'other' or 'different from the ones directly mentioned prior, referring to a subset distinct from a previously considered group.

Citi studenti mācās ātri.

Other students learn quickly.

'Citi' in this context is used in the feminine form 'citas' to agree with the plural feminine noun 'intereses,' referring to alternate interests or those differing from someone else's.

Man ir citas intereses nekā viņam.

I have other interests than him.

Here, 'citi' refers to 'others,' indicating a separate group of people making different choices in the context.

Daži cilvēki dod priekšroku tējai, un citi izvēlas kafiju.

Some people prefer tea, and others choose coffee.