
This is the 884th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Cēsīs" is the locative form of "Cēsis," a town in Latvia, meaning "in Cēsis."

'Cēsīs' is used as the locative case of the noun 'Cēsis', indicating the location where the action is taking place (in Cēsis).

Es dzīvoju Cēsīs.

I live in Cēsis.

'Cēsīm' is used as the locative case form of 'Cēsis' with the preposition 'pa', describing movement or presence around the location.

Mēs bijām ekskursijā pa Cēsīm.

We were on a tour around Cēsis.

'Cēsīs' is used to denote the place within which the objects of liking (historical sites) are located, as the locative case of 'Cēsis'.

Man patīk vēsturiskās vietas Cēsīs.

I like the historical sites in Cēsis.