
This is the 987th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "dalībvalstu" means "member states" in English.

Here, 'dalībvalstu' is the plural genitive form of 'dalībvalsts' referring to 'member states' as possessors of the leaders.

Visas Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu vadītāji sanāk apspriest aktuālos jautājumus.

All the leaders of the European Union member states gather to discuss current issues.

In this sentence, 'dalībvalstu' shows ownership, indicating that the economies belong to the member states.

Dalībvalstu ekonomikas tiek rūpīgi analizētas statistikā.

The economies of the member states are carefully analyzed in statistics.

Here, 'dalībvalstu' denotes possession, specifying that the political systems belong to the member states.

Jaunais likums ietekmēs visas dalībvalstu politiskās sistēmas.

The new law will affect all the political systems of the member states.