
This is the 826th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Darbiniekus" means "employees" in English.

In this sentence, the word 'darbiniekus' is used in the accusative case, as it is the direct object of the action 'pieņem darbā' (hiring).

Mūsu uzņēmums pieņem darbā jaunus darbiniekus.

Our company is hiring new employees.

Here, 'darbiniekus' is again in accusative case, acting as the object of the verb 'slavēja' (praised).

Vadītājs slavēja darbiniekus par labi paveiktu darbu.

The manager praised the employees for a job well done.

In this example, 'darbiniekiem' is in the dative case, indicating the indirect object of the action 'organizē apmācības' (organizes training).

Uzņēmums organizē apmācības darbiniekiem, lai uzlabotu viņu prasmes.

The company organizes training for the employees to improve their skills.