
This is the 998th most frequent Latvian word.

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"To engage" or "to get involved."

Here, 'iesaistīties' highlights the engagement or involvement in social or community activities, suggesting integration and active participation.

Bērniem jau no mazotnes mācās iesaistīties sabiedriskajās aktivitātēs.

Children are taught from a young age to engage in community activities.

In this usage, 'iesaistīties' refers to taking up or joining volunteer work, emphasizing an initiative to become part of an effort.

Projekta ietvaros viņš aicināja visus iesaistīties brīvprātīgo darbībā.

As part of the project, he invited everyone to get involved in volunteer work.

The word 'iesaistīties' in this context means 'to participate actively or become involved' in the discussion, indicating taking an active role.

Viņa nolēma iesaistīties diskusijā, lai paustu savu viedokli.

She decided to participate in the discussion to express her opinion.