
This is the 586th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Janvāra" means "of January" (genitive form of "janvāris").

Here, "janvāra" is used in the genitive case to specify the possessive relationship with "sākumā," which literally translates to "January's beginnings."

Janvāra sākumā ziema kļuva bargāka.

In the beginning of January, the winter became harsher.

In this sentence, "janvāra" acts in the genitive case to denote the time frame in which the action occurred, relating it to "vidū" (middle).

Viņš bija ieradies janvāra vidū mūsu mājās.

He had arrived in the middle of January at our home.

Here, "janvāra" uses the genitive case to qualify "svētkiem" (festivities), suggesting ownership or specificity.

Bērni priecājās par janvāra svētkiem un dāvanām.

The children were delighted by January's festivities and gifts.