
This is the 14th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Jo" in Latvian means "because" or "as."

In this sentence, 'jo' is used as a conjunction to introduce a reason or cause for the preceding statement.

Viņš ir laimīgs, jo viņam ir jauns mājdzīvnieks.

He is happy because he has a new pet.

Here, 'jo' is used repetitively as part of a correlative structure, indicating a proportional relationship between the two clauses.

Jo agrāk mēs sāksim, jo ātrāk mēs pabeigsim.

The earlier we start, the sooner we finish.

In this example, 'jo' acts as a clause initiator to explain a reason leading to the following action.

Jo... tur bija pārāk vēlu, mēs devāmies mājās.

Because it was too late, we went home.