
This is the 835th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Jāstrādā" means "must work" or "have to work" in English.

Here, 'jāstrādā' is used to indicate necessity or obligation to work, referring to the personal responsibility to complete a task.

Man šodien ļoti jāstrādā, lai pabeigtu projektu laikā.

I have to work hard today to finish the project on time.

In this sentence, 'jāstrādā' reflects a conditional possibility of the need to work based on the situation provided.

Ja tev rīt ir jādodas ceļojumā, tad šovakar vēl varētu nākties strādāt.

If you have to travel tomorrow, then you might still need to work tonight.

Here, 'jāstrādā' is used in a general context, expressing a universal truth about the necessity of working to achieve a goal.

Mums visiem kādos dzīves brīžos ir jāstrādā, lai sasniegtu savus mērķus.

We all have to work at some points in our lives to achieve our goals.