
This is the 886th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Jāņa" is the genitive form of "Jānis," a Latvian male name equivalent to "John."

Here, 'Jāņa' is the genitive form of 'Jānis', indicating possession.

Tas ir Jāņa mājas kaķis.

That is Jānis's house cat.

Here, 'Jāņa' once again portrays possession.

Jāņa draugi nāks šurp.

Jānis's friends will come over.

In this sentence, 'Jāņa' is in the genitive case and is connected to the activity of singing by Jānis.

Mēs klausījāmies Jāņa dziedāšanu.

We listened to Jānis sing.