
This is the 774th most frequent Latvian word.

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The dative plural form of "teams."

Here, 'komandām' is in the dative plural case to refer to the recipients of the invitations.

Sacensībām tika izsūtīti uzaicinājumi visām komandām.

Invitations were sent to all teams for the competition.

In this sentence, 'komandām' is used in the dative case plural to indicate the teams that are participating.

Sporta spēlēs piedalījās vairākas komandām no dažādām pilsētām.

Several teams from different cities participated in the sports games.

In this example, 'komandām' is again in the dative plural case, indicating the teams receiving the opportunities.

Treneris nodrošināja visām komandām vienādas iespējas treniņos.

The coach provided equal opportunities to all teams during training.