
This is the 840th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "lielas" means "big" or "large" in English (feminine plural form).

The word 'lielas' here describes the adjective 'big,' agreeing in number and gender with the feminine plural noun 'acis' (eyes).

Viņai ir lielas acis.

She has big eyes.

In this sentence, the word 'liels' ('great') is used in the masculine singular form to convey the significance of 'pleasure,' a masculine noun.

Tas bija liels prieks satikties.

It was a great pleasure to meet.

Here, 'lielas' ('significant') modifies the feminine plural noun 'pārmaiņas' (changes), agreeing in gender and number.

Lielas pārmaiņas notika pilsētā.

Significant changes occurred in the city.