
This is the 402nd most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "loceklis" translates to "member" or "limb" in English.

In this sentence, 'loceklis' refers to a person who is a member of a group or organization.

Viņš ir šīs organizācijas loceklis.

He is a member of this organization.

Here, 'locekļi' is the plural form of 'loceklis', denoting parts or limbs of the human body.

Cilvēka ķermeņa loceķļi veido sarežģītu sistēmu.

The limbs of the human body form a complex system.

In this context, 'loceklis' signifies an individual belonging to a specified group.

Viņš uzstājās kā daļa no grupas locekļu snieguma.

He performed as part of the group's members' presentation.