
This is the 779th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "loma" means "role" or "part" in English.

The word 'lomu' here is in accusative singular form, referring to a 'role' in a performance or story.

Šajā filmā viņš spēlē galveno lomu.

In this movie, he plays the main role.

In this sentence, 'loma' is in nominative singular form, indicating a figurative role or function in an activity or system.

Skolotājam ir svarīga loma izglītības procesā.

The teacher has an important role in the education process.

Here, 'lomas' is in accusative plural form, referring to positions or roles assumed by people, especially when they interchange them.

Savās attiecībās viņi bieži maiņa lomas.

In their relationship, they often switch roles.