
This is the 667th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "lēma" means "decided" in English.

The word 'lēma' in this sentence is a past tense form of the verb 'lēmt', meaning 'to decide'.

Viņa lēma pamest darbu, lai pievērstos hobijiem.

She decided to leave her job to focus on her hobbies.

In this context, 'lēma' refers to the act of deliberating or making a decision, underlining the thorough consideration involved.

Projekta komanda rūpīgi lēma par risinājumu.

The project team carefully considered the solution.

Here, 'lēma' signifies the decision-making process applied to a specific administrative context.

Kad viņi lēma par nākamā gada budžetu, viņi ņēma vērā iepriekšējo pieredzi.

When they decided on next year's budget, they took previous experiences into account.