
This is the 552nd most frequent Latvian word.

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"Mediji" in English means "media."

Here, 'mediji' serves as the subject of the sentence, referring to various communication channels like news outlets.

Mediji ziņo par svarīgiem notikumiem.

The media report on important events.

In this sentence, 'mediji' is part of a compound noun 'sociālie mediji', emphasizing internet-based communication platforms.

Sociālie mediji mūsdienās ļoti ietekmē sabiedrību.

Social media has a significant impact on society today.

Here 'mediji' refers to the field or industry of media, signifying the various platforms and channels used for communication.

Viņš strādā medijos, veidojot rakstus un ziņas.

He works in the media, creating articles and news.