
This is the 844th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "miljardu" means "billion" in English.

Here, "miljardu" is used in the accusative case as it indicates the extent or amount of a quantity.

Latvijas iedzīvotāju skaits ir mazāks par vienu miljardu.

The population of Latvia is less than one billion.

In this example, "miljarda" appears in the genitive case following a fractional number (a tenth), expressing part of the whole.

Desmito daļu no miljarda izmantoja projektam.

A tenth of a billion was used for the project.

Here, "miljards" is in the nominative case as the subject of the clause, referring directly to the concept of a billion.

Mēs nevaram iedomāties, kā izskatās viens miljards cilvēku.

We cannot imagine what one billion people look like.