
This is the 256th most frequent Latvian word.

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"In months."

Latin noun 'mēnešos' here appears in the locative plural form, indicating a time span during which the action happened.

Šajos mēnešos mēs pieredzējām daudz pārmaiņu.

In these months, we witnessed many changes.

The noun 'mēnešos' in locative plural presents a distinct period in the past, serving an adverbial phrase for time.

Pēdējos mēnešos ir bijis ļoti auksts.

In the past few months, it has been very cold.

The word 'mēnešos' remains in locative plural, combined with a numeral to specify the exact duration.

Šajos sešos mēnešos es iemācījos daudz jaunu lietu.

In these six months, I learned many new things.