
This is the 670th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "mēnešus" means "months" (accusative plural form).

Here, 'mēnešus' is used as the accusative plural form of 'mēnesis' to indicate the duration of time in months.

Es jau vairākus mēnešus esmu studējis šo valodu.

I have been studying this language for several months.

In this sentence, 'mēnešiem' demonstrates the dative plural case of 'mēnesis,' used to point to a time frame of months.

Pēc dažiem mēnešiem būs pavasaris.

Spring will be here in a few months.

In this example, 'mēnešus' is again the accusative plural form of 'mēnesis,' used as a direct object in past memories.

Viņš atcerējās tos vasaras mēnešus aizrautīgi.

He fondly remembered those summer months.