
This is the 889th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian abbreviation "NMPD" stands for "Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienests," which translates to "Emergency Medical Service" in English.

The acronym 'NMPD' stands for 'Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienests' and is used here to indicate the emergency medical team.

NMPD ieradās notikuma vietā ļoti ātri.

The Emergency Medical Service arrived at the scene very quickly.

The acronym 'NMPD' identifies the institution responsible for providing emergency medical response services.

Es piezvanīju NMPD, lai ziņotu par negadījumu.

I called the Emergency Medical Service to report an accident.

'NMPD' is used here to refer to the emergency medical agency in a societal context, discussing its role and contributions.

Šodien skolā runājām par NMPD darba nozīmi sabiedrībā.

Today at school, we talked about the importance of the Emergency Medical Service in society.