
This is the 404th most frequent Latvian word.

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"To ensure" or "to provide."

In this sentence, 'nodrošinātu' is used in a subjunctive way to express purpose or intention, showing the intent to ensure a condition or situation.

Es strādāju, lai nodrošinātu stabilu nākotni savai ģimenei.

I work to ensure a stable future for my family.

Here, 'nodrošinātu' reflects the intent or requirement for ensuring a certain state or outcome, demonstrating its usage in describing prerequisite actions.

Lai nodrošinātu labu veselību, nepieciešams regulāri vingrot.

To ensure good health, it is necessary to exercise regularly.

In this example, 'nodrošinātu' is used to indicate the action of making preparations or taking measures to ensure a desired result, showcasing the word's application in instructive contexts.

Profesors iesaka stratēģijas, lai nodrošinātu studentu sekmes eksāmenos.

The professor recommends strategies to ensure students' success in exams.