
This is the 927th most frequent Latvian word.

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Determining or specifying.

The word 'nosakot' here is used as a participle to introduce a subordinate clause describing the action of 'setting priorities.' It describes the manner necessary for achieving the main action.

Nosakot prioritātes darbā, mēs varam sasniegt labākus rezultātus.

By setting priorities at work, we can achieve better results.

In this sentence, 'nosakot' connects the main verb 'conducted a study' with an explanatory action, highlighting the process of 'determining.'

Viņi veica pētījumu, nosakot, kurš risinājums būtu efektīvākais.

They conducted a study, determining which solution would be the most effective.

'Nosakot' functions as a participle describing the process needed to consider the 'factors,' adding depth to the decision-making context.

Lēmumu pieņemšanā nozīmīgi ir faktori, kurus nosakot, jāņem vērā dažādi aspekti.

In decision-making, factors that must be considered by determining various aspects are important.