
This is the 516th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "noteikto" translates to "specified" or "determined" in English.

In this context, 'noteikto' specifies the established or prescribed rules or procedures that are to be followed.

Viņš ievēroja noteikto kārtību skolas bibliotēkā.

He followed the prescribed order in the school library.

Here, 'noteiktos' refers to the particular or specified assignments within the course.

Mums jāpilda noteiktos uzdevumos kursā iekļautie uzdevumi.

We must complete the tasks included in the specified course objectives.

In this sentence, 'noteiktajos' indicates the set or defined timeframes within which the activity takes place.

Uzņēmums strādā noteiktajos termiņos un nepārkāpj tos.

The company works within the defined deadlines and does not exceed them.