
This is the 723rd most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "nozaru" means "of branches" or "of sectors" in English.

The word 'nozaru' in this sentence is the plural genitive form of the noun 'nozare,' meaning 'sector' or 'branch.' It is used here to demonstrate belonging to different branches or fields.

Ekonomika strauji attīstās dažādās nozaru jomās.

The economy is rapidly developing in various sectors.

The word 'nozaru' specifies possession or relation to sectors, here describing the sectors within the context of education.

Izglītības nozaru darbinieki tiek aicināti uz sanāksmi.

Employees of the education sectors are invited to a meeting.

'Nozaru' again indicates the genitive plural form, used to express a relationship between representatives and their respective sectors.

Arī kultūras un mākslas nozaru pārstāvji piedalījās diskusijā.

Representatives of the culture and arts sectors also participated in the discussion.