
This is the 459th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Expresses" or "conveys."

The word "pauž" here denotes the act of expressing or conveying a thought clearly.

Viņš pauž savas domas skaidri un pārliecinoši.

He expresses his thoughts clearly and convincingly.

In this sentence, "pauž" is used to indicate that the reaction symbolizes or portrays concern.

Sabiedrības reakcija pauž satraukumu par pieaugošo inflāciju.

The public's reaction expresses concern about the rising inflation.

Here, "pauž" is used to describe the author's act of communicating their vision through art.

Mākslas darbos autors pauž savu vīziju par nākotni.

In the artworks, the author conveys their vision of the future.