
This is the 349th most frequent Latvian word.

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"In the announcement" or "in the notification."

Here, 'paziņojumā' is used to refer to an official statement or proclamation where the minister outlines key information.

Ministrs paziņojumā norādīja uz ekonomikas izaugsmes galvenajiem mērķiem.

The minister pointed out the main goals of economic growth in the announcement.

'Paziņojumā' denotes an informational document issued to the press or public.

Raksts bija balstīts uz informāciju no preses paziņojuma.

The article was based on information from a press release.

In this instance, 'paziņojumā' refers to the content of a notification or announcement made by clients.

Klientu paziņojumā tika iekļautas sūdzības par pakalpojuma kvalitāti.

The customer complaint included remarks about the service quality.