
This is the 793rd most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "procesa" is the genitive singular form of "process," meaning "of the process" in English.

In this sentence, "procesa" specifies whose guidelines—the educational process's.

Šī prasība ir daļa no mācību procesa vadlīnijām.

This requirement is part of the educational process guidelines.

Here, "procesa" is used in the genitive singular to describe the stages of the development process.

Mēs analizējam projekta attīstības procesa posmus.

We are analyzing the stages of the project's development process.

"Procesa" is used here to qualify the planning, indicating the scope of the planning.

Lai uzsāktu jauno projektu, ir nepieciešama rūpīga procesa plānošana.

To start the new project, careful planning of the process is required.