
This is the 322nd most frequent Latvian word.

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"Profilakses" in English means "prevention" or "prophylaxis."

In this sentence, "profilakses" is used in a general context referring to prevention measures for health.

Lai mazinātu slimības riskus, ārsts iesaka ievērot profilakses pasākumus.

To reduce the risk of illness, the doctor recommends following prevention measures.

Here, "profilakses" is used to indicate actions taken as a precaution, specifically referring to vaccination.

Profilakses nolūkos ir svarīgi vakcinēties pret gripu.

For preventive purposes, it is important to get vaccinated against the flu.

The word "profilakses" is applied to discuss hygiene being a method to prevent issues, educationally contextualized.

Skolēniem tika stāstīts par higiēnas nozīmi kā profilakses metodi.

Students were told about the importance of hygiene as a preventive method.