
This is the 460th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "proti" means "namely" or "that is (to say)."

The word 'proti' introduces a specifying example or elaboration, commonly translated as 'namely' or 'that is'.

Es māku vairākas svešvalodas, proti, angļu, vācu un franču.

I know several foreign languages, namely, English, German, and French.

Here, 'proti' is used for clarification and elaboration, revealing details about the earlier statement.

Viņš ir ļoti talantīgs, proti, viņš raksta dzeju un komponē mūziku.

He is very talented, specifically, he writes poetry and composes music.

In this context, 'proti' clarifies and provides a more specific interpretation of a potentially broad concept.

Ja Tu vēlies ceļot, proti, apmeklēt citas valsts, tev vajadzētu iegūt pasi.

If you want to travel, that is, visit other countries, you should obtain a passport.