
This is the 521st most frequent Latvian word.

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"Last" or "recent" (in accusative plural form).

In this example, 'pēdējos' refers to the 'steps' as being the last or final ones in a sequence, serving as an adjective.

Viņi pabeidza pēdējos soļus projektā vakar.

They completed the final steps of the project yesterday.

Here, 'pēdējos' again modifies the noun 'mēnešos' (months), marking the most recent months.

Pēdējos mēnešos laikapstākļi ir bijuši neparedzami.

In the past months, the weather has been unpredictable.

Here, 'pēdējos' is used as an adjective modifying the noun 'gados' (years), indicating a specific time period toward the end or closest to the present.

Es pēdējos gados esmu lasījis daudz grāmatu.

I have read many books in recent years.