
This is the 947th most frequent Latvian word.

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In this sentence, 'pētījums' refers to a specific scientific study or research conducted to discover new information.

Pētījums atklāja pārsteidzošus rezultātus par cilvēku dzīvesveidu.

The research revealed surprising results about people's lifestyles.

In this example, 'pētījums' denotes a novel research or study that has been recognized and reviewed by the scientific community.

Jaunais pētījums ir ieguvis daudz pozitīvu atsauksmju no zinātniekiem.

The new research has received many positive reviews from scientists.

Here, 'pētījums' is used in the context of a broad research activity or project that encompasses various components and tasks.

Viņš pētīja materiālus, lai izstrādātu projektu savam galvenajam pētījumam.

He studied materials to develop the project for his main research.