
This is the 796th most frequent Latvian word.

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In this sentence, 'risinājumus' is the plural accusative form of 'risinājums' and denotes specific solutions being sought.

Mēs meklējam jaunus risinājumus sarežģītai problēmai.

We are looking for new solutions to a complex problem.

Here, 'risinājumus' is used to describe projects that provide solutions, emphasizing the object-like role of solutions in the context.

Seminārā tiks prezentēti dažādi risinājumus piedāvājoši projekti.

Various projects offering solutions will be presented at the seminar.

'Risinājumus' indicates that the solutions are envisioned responses to problems, directly related to the objectives of the book.

Šī grāmata piedāvā risinājumus gan teorētiskām, gan praktiskām problēmām.

This book offers solutions for both theoretical and practical problems.