
This is the 639th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Competitions" or "contests" in English.

In this sentence, 'sacensībās' is used in the instrumental case, indicating involvement or participation in the context of a competition.

Jānis piedalījās sacensībās un ieguva pirmo vietu.

Jānis participated in the competition and won first place.

Here, 'sacensībās' is in the locative case, reflecting the location or scenario where something occurs.

Sacensībās tika novērota liela konkurence starp dalībniekiem.

In the competition, significant competition among participants was observed.

'Sacensībās' in this sentence also appears in the locative case, emphasizing the specific event where participation will take place.

Es gatavojos piedalīties nākamajās sacensībās.

I am preparing to participate in the next competition.