
This is the 436th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Conversations" or "talks."

Here, 'sarunas' is used in the context of discussions and dialogues, highlighting its meaning as conversations or exchanges of ideas.

Mēs vakar piedalījāmies interesantās sarunās ar vietējiem iedzīvotājiem.

We participated in interesting discussions with local residents yesterday.

In this sentence, 'sarunas' refers specifically to a single conversation or an instance of speaking between individuals, showing its application in personal interactions.

Sarunas laikā viņš man iedeva svarīgu padomu.

During the conversation, he gave me an important piece of advice.

In this example, 'sarunas' signifies formal negotiations or talks, which is another situational context for this versatile word.

Parlamentā notika dažādas sarunas par ekonomikas politiku.

Various talks about economic policy took place in the parliament.