
This is the 599th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Stāvokļa" in English means "state" or "condition."

In this sentence, 'stāvokļa' is used in the genitive form, denoting association with a particular state or condition.

Pēteris atradās sarežģītā stāvokļa.

Peter was in a complicated situation.

Here, 'stāvokļa' refers to 'condition' and is used in genitive with reference to health.

Viņas veselības stāvokļa dēļ, viņa palika mājās.

Due to her health condition, she stayed at home.

In this context, 'stāvokļa' describes a state or condition, in this case financial, and it qualifies the subject of improvement.

Uzņēmuma finanšu stāvokļa uzlabošana ir prioritāte.

Improving the company's financial condition is a priority.