
This is the 868th most frequent Latvian word.

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"The said" or "what was said."

The word 'teiktā' here functions as a genitive singular, derived from the verb 'teikt', meaning 'what was said' or 'the said words'.

Es piekrītu teiktā nozīmei.

I agree with the meaning of what was said.

Here, 'teiktā' is used to denote the meaning or interpretations of the statements made, highlighting the importance of clear communication.

Tu vienmēr vari izteikt savas domas bez bailēm no teiktā pārpratumiem.

You can always express your thoughts without fear of misunderstandings of what was said.

In this instance, 'teiktā' refers to the content or essence of the statements given, used in a context that relates to its fundamental meaning.

Viņa nevēlējas pretstatīt savus uzskatus teiktā būtībai.

She did not want to oppose her opinions to the essence of what was said.