
This is the 25th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "tiks" is the future tense form of the verb "tikt," meaning "will be" or "will get."

The word 'notiks' is a future tense form of the verb 'notikt', meaning 'to happen' or 'to occur'. It implies an event scheduled to occur in the future.

Rīt notiks sapulce.

Tomorrow there will be a meeting.

In this sentence, 'tiks' again functions as a future tense auxiliary verb in a passive construction, with the verb 'apspriest' ('to discuss') transformed to 'apspriests' to indicate the action performed passively.

Ja šis projekts būs veiksmīgs, tas tiks apspriests nākamajā sēdē.

If this project is successful, it will be discussed in the next meeting.

Here, 'tiks' is used as a future tense auxiliary verb indicating a passive action in Latvian. The main verb 'aizvērt' ('to close') becomes passive as 'aizvērtas'.

Durvis automātiski tiks aizvērtas.

The doors will automatically be closed.