
This is the 892nd most frequent Latvian word.

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"In Tukums" (a town in Latvia).

Here, 'Tukumā' again represents location, suggesting where an action (meeting) is planned to happen. This showcases its usage in conveying spatial relationships.

Vai mēs tiekamies Tukumā pirms svētkiem?

Are we meeting in Tukums before the celebrations?

In this example, 'Tukumā' is used with the verb 'to be' in its past participle form to describe the visited location, emphasizing the place within the past action.

Viņa ir bijusi Tukumā tikai vienreiz.

She has only been to Tukums once.

In this sentence, 'Tukumā' is used to indicate the location where someone resides, using the locative case in Latvian, which is used to denote the place where something is situated.

Es dzīvoju Tukumā.

I live in Tukums.