
This is the 104th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Uzsvēra" means "emphasized" or "stressed."

The word 'uzsvēra' here means 'emphasized' and is used to describe the act of stressing the importance of certain details in a speech.

Viņš uzsvēra būtisko informāciju savā runā.

He emphasized the essential information in his speech.

In this sentence, 'uzsvēra' conveys the act of highlighting or underscoring the importance of an action, suggesting emphasis on a concept.

Skolotāja uzsvēra, cik svarīgi ir mācīties katru dienu.

The teacher stressed how important it is to study every day.

Here, 'uzsvēra' indicates that the report pointed out or made clear the beneficial effects of the event to draw attention to its significance.

Ziņojumā tika uzsvēra pasākuma pozitīvā ietekme uz sabiedrību.

The report emphasized the positive impact of the event on society.