
This is the 646th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Uzzināja" means "found out" or "learned."

The word "uzzināja" in this sentence is used in the third person singular past tense, indicating that the subject (he) discovered or learned about something in the past.

Viņš uzzināja šo ziņu vakar.

He found out this news yesterday.

Here, "uzzināja" in its first person plural form (uzzinājām) is used to express that the subject (we) became aware of new information recently.

Mēs uzzinājām par jauno projektu nesen.

We learned about the new project recently.

In this example, "uzzināja" refers to the third person plural (they) finding out or learning about the truth, showing its flexible usage in reflecting actions taken by different persons.

Kad viņi uzzināja patiesību, viņi bija pārsteigti.

When they found out the truth, they were surprised.