
This is the 810th most frequent Latvian word.

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"In the name of" or "by the name of."

Here, 'vārdā' means the name by which someone is called.

Es iepazīstināšu tevi ar cilvēku vārdā Jānis.

I will introduce you to a person named Jānis.

In this usage, 'vārdā' signifies naming something after someone or some entity.

Šo ezeriņu nosauca dabas mīļotāju vārdā.

This small lake was named in honor of nature lovers.

In this context, 'vārdā' is used to mean acting on behalf of someone or something.

Viņš ar lepnumu paziņoja pilsētas vārdā.

He proudly announced on behalf of the city.