
This is the 149th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Valstīm" means "for countries" or "to countries" (dative plural form of "valsts").

Here, 'valstīm' is the dative plural form of 'valsts.' It is used to indicate 'for the states' in the sense of 'pertaining to the states.'

Baltijas valstīm ir daudz kopīga.

Baltic states have much in common.

Here, 'valstīm' indicates the indirect object of the necessity stem, showing what is in need of cooperation.

Valstīm nepieciešama sadarbība, lai risinātu globālas problēmas.

Countries need cooperation to address global issues.

In this sentence, 'valstīm' is again in the dative plural, implying that the action (providing support) is directed toward the countries.

ES programmas sniedz atbalstu visām Eiropas valstīm.

EU programs provide support to all European countries.