
This is the 977th most frequent Latvian word.

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The word "viņķele" is not a standard Latvian noun or verb; it is primarily recognized as a surname in Latvia.

The word 'Viņķele' is used here as a proper noun, representing a Latvian last name.

Viņķele ir zināms kā latviešu uzvārds.

Viņķele is known as a Latvian surname.

In this sentence, 'Viņķele' refers to a personal name, indicating someone's identity.

Es satiku cilvēku, kuru sauca par Viņķeli.

I met a person called Viņķele.

Here, the word 'Viņķele' is used creatively as a term naming an item, demonstrating its fictional or contextual use in technical language.

Viņķele ir disks, kas papildina procesoru skaitļošanas spēju.

The Viņķele is a disk that enhances the processing power of a CPU.