
This is the 444th most frequent Latvian word.

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In Latvian, "vp" is not a standard word but may be an abbreviation or slang. Please provide context for clarification.

Here, 'VP' is used as an abbreviation referring to a specific entity or title, the meaning of which would depend on the context.

Viņš man deva savas grāmatas VP parakstīšanai.

He gave me his books from the VP for signing.

In this sentence, 'VP' could stand for a group or official organization, its complete form referenced implicitly through contextual understanding.

Skolā notika interesants pasākums, kuru organizēja VP.

An interesting event was held at school, organized by the VP.

This statement uses 'VP' to denote a particular individual or group participating in some competition, underlining their recognition or accomplishment.

VP ieguva augstu vērtējumu konkursā.

The VP received a high score in the competition.